SAMWU notes election of new Council at Mamusa Local Municipality

16 January 2020

SAMWU notes election of new Council at Mamusa Local Municipality

The South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) notes that the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has concluded voting at the Mamuma Local Municipality. The IEC has today announced the election outcomes for the new council.

The conduction of these elections are as a result of the municipality being dissolved in terms of Section 139 of the constitution, following its failure to deliver on its constitutional mandate.

We firstly congratulate all councilors elected and trust that in all they do, they will put the interests of the residents of Mamusa before anything else. We also congratulate the residents of Mamusa for having have exercised their democratic right and participated in this process.

The newly constituted council has a mammoth task ahead of them in ensuring that the municipality does not return to being the failure which it was, the failure which had led to the collapse in governance, management and service delivery.

As SAMWU, we look forward to working with the new council in ensuring that service delivery is returned to normality. We are open to assisting the council and administration to avoid being a failure that it previously was.

We trust that the new council will ensure that sound labour relations are always maintained in the institution, this in the interest of service delivery.

Issued by SAMWU North West Province

Vincent Diphoko
Provincial Secretary
(083 580 8815)


Papikie Mohale
National Media Officer
(073 710 0356).