SAMWU update on salary and wage negotiations in SALGBC and ABC
12 August 2021
SAMWU update on salary and wage negotiations in SALGBC and ABC
On Monday the 9th August 2021, the South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) held a special National Executive (NEC) meeting to consider reports on salary and wage negotiations in both sectors that the union organises in, being the South African Local Government Bargaining Council (SALGBC) and the Amanzi Bargaining Council (ABC).
The Special NEC noted the report from the Conciliator on the progress made in the SALGBC that the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) as the employer has made some movements with regards to the demands that workers had put forward.
The Special NEC was however of the view that the movement by the employer is not significant and as such parties in the SALGBC remain far apart. Of serious concern to us is that this will now be the second month wherein municipal workers will not be receiving salary increases as a result of parties not finding each other.
In the absence of a salary increase, the cost of living continues to go up while on the other hand, the very same municipalities whom our members so diligently serve have increased their levies, rates and taxes.
Despite the current offer on the table being below our initial demands, as a worker controlled organisation we will be subjecting the offer to our members in all workplaces across the country so that workers can decide on it.
The Special NEC further noted that by agreement, parties in the SALGBC agreed that the Conciliation process be extended to the 16th and 17th of August following the movement by the employer.
On Amanzi Bargaining Council
The Special NEC meeting noted and appreciated the work and progress that has been made in the Amanzi Bargaining Council. The progress in ABC includes a final offer that has been presented by the employer body for all workers in the country’s Water Boards.
Similar to the SALGBC report, an extensive mandate taking process will be undertaken wherein the offer will be presented to workers for mandating.
We therefore urge our members to fully participate in the consultative and report back sessions that have begun as of the 10th August 2021 in order to give the union a mandate on the current offers in the two Bargaining Councils.
The union will be convening a Special NEC meeting on Saturday 14th August to consolidate the mandate from members on negotiations in both sectors.
Issued by SAMWU Secretariat
Dumisane Magagula,
Deputy General Secretary
(076 580 4029)
Papikie Mohale
National Media Officer
(073 710 0356)