02 August 2023.
The South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) in Limpopo held its ordinary PEC on the 27 – 28 July to chart a wayfoward following a decision by the Central Executive Committee which amongst other things included convening of the Regional shop steward Councils (RSSC) in our three regions ie Kwena Mogololoa, Ronald Mani and Mmaphuti Mabottja Regions.
The RSSCs were convened to discuss matters in Regional and Locals and give much needed mandate to Regional leaders to the PEC all of which produced desired outcomes. The PEC was attended by representatives from our three Regions and representatives of Gender and Young workers from the Province. It was also attended by representatives from both SACP and COSATU as well as Chairperson of SALGA who attended as a Guest to the PEC as per our tradition.
The PEC resolved at basic level to deepen membership participation in the life of the organisation and vowed to defend, protect and represent members of SAMWU in all municipalities and Water Boards and arrived at the following key resolutions which will be reported to structures through the leaders who attended the PEC.
1.1 Provincial leadership
The PEC noted and accepted resignations from both the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson Cde Sello Manyama and Cde Elias Molapo respectively and thanked them for their sterling work in in leadership of the union. The PEC did not inquire into the reasons for resignation albeit Chairperson resigning for increased workload at his workplace.
In thanking them, the PEC resolved to elect the Cde Nditsheni Mufamadi as Chairperson and Cde Levyecent Chepana as Deputy Chairperson. The election of Cde Mufamadi as the Chairperson created a vacancy of Deputy Provincial Secretary which he previously held. Consequently, the PEC elected Cde Edgar Mageza as SAMWU Limpopo Deputy Provincial Secretary.
The full complement of the Provincial Office Bearers (POBs) are therefore a follows;
Chairperson : Cde Nditsheni Mufamadi
Deputy Chairperson : Cde Levycent Chepana
Provincial Secretary : Cde Parick Aphane
Deputy Secretary : Cde Edgar Mageza
Treasurer : Cde Ernie Mbiza
In line with the Union’s Constitution, the POB collective will serve the remainder of the current term which will end when the Central Executive Committee directs all provinces to go to their respective Provincial Congresses.
1.2 Strengthening SAMWU
The PEC discussed the organisational report with an aim of building a fit for purpose and resilient organisation in the Province, a Union that is able to discharge its responsibility to defend, protect and represent members of SAMWU in Limpopo and resolved as follows;
· Dedicating the year of membership by ensuring recruitment of members to increase SAMWU foothold in Limpopo.
· Revitalising Regional and Provincial Gender and Young Workers structures.
· That SAMWU creates a Provincial Case Management Committee which will assist in analysing cases within the context of defending, protecting and representing members.
· Convening organisational structural meetings as per the constitution such as RSSCs, RECs and PECs as per the dictate of the Constitution.
· Building a resilient organisation by imposing discipline throughout the structures of the Union by revitalising disciplinary structures and processing matters of discipline.
· That the province use Social Media effectively to timeously update its members.
The PEC discussed collective bargaining report and noted the changing dynamics in relation to collective bargaining in the two sectors which we organise in and numerous attacks on collective bargaining by municipalities and Water Boards.
PEC further noted dilution of progressive SALGA leadership owing to coalitions in different municipalities.
The impact of Section 71 of the Municipal Systems Amendment Act which requires SALGA to consult Finance and Fiscal Commission, Finance Minister and some undefined Minister before a Collective agreement salary increases can be signed were assessed and the PEC arrived at a conclusion that these amendments are meant to erode Collective Bargaining in the local government sector.
PEC also noted ongoing national bargaining on all collective agreements currently before the national division of the South African Local Government Bargaining (SALGBC) Bargaining Committee, such as Main Collective Agreement, Salary wage collective agreement, Wage curve collective agreement, Covid 19 Collective agreement etc and resolved as follows;
· To convene an urgent Collective Bargaining workshop of the PEC to inform and reshape mandate taking processes on matters that are on the table for bargaining.
The PEC discussed the Socio-economic report tabled and noted the following;
· The high unemployment rate in Limpopo and South Africa in general as well as strides by the Provincial Government through projects such as Industrial development Zones, Sefateng Chrome Mine, Central Academic Hospital, Eco Estates, Nkuna City investment and Gauteng Limpopo Rail project.
· Extension of SRD grant as a foundation for Basic Income Grant to alleviate poverty and inequality in our communities.
· Progress being made in the energy security in South Africa and increasing energy availability factor to reduce loadshedding.
· Progress being made in the implementation of National health Insurance after the finalisation of the Bill by National assembly.
· Slow progress being made by Eskom and municipalities to update prepaid electricity meters that will become non-compliant on the 24 November 2024.
· Slow progress in improving municipality audit outcomes and rampant corruption in municipalities and departments such Health in relation alleged coal to non-existent boilers.
The PEC therefore resolved to campaign for;
· Creation of a policy landscape that will create jobs for our people.
· Encourage Eskom and municipalities to start in earnest with prepaid metering updates.
· To strengthen municipalities that are having disclaimer audit opinion and implementation of SIU and forensic reports.
The PEC noted the fluid political situation in South Africa and in the province and in particular, in the municipal sector manifesting itself in the following manner:
· Relative stability in the ANC body politic including but not limited to successful National Conferences of the ANCYL, ANCWL and upcoming conferences of the Veterans league and SANCO.
· The confirmation of the decision of the SACP on the Reconfiguration of the alliance and the party and state power
· Ongoing preparatory work on 2024 general elections and the opportunities for ANC renewal and victory in the 2024 Provincial and National Elections.
· Coalition politics causing instability in the Municipal sector throughout the country.
· Hollowed out state capacity manifesting in appointment of unqualified Managers.
· Instability of political leadership in municipalities occasioned by change of Mayors, Speakers and Chief whips.
· The ongoing impasse on the Municipal Systems Amendment Act no 3 of 2022 seeking to depoliticise workers in the municipal sector and society in general.
PEC then resolved as follows:
· Continue to support our COSATU and SACP stance to campaign to improve the electoral fortunes ANC in 2024 based on reconfigured alliance.
· To continue to support the program that seeks to unite and rebuild SANCO at all levels.
· To continue to engage the ANC on its understanding of the MSA act no 3 of 2022 including fighting the mater at constitutional court.
· To engage the ANC on the instability in the Municipal sector particularly on mayorship of Vhembe, Sekhukhune and Collins Chabane and or retention of Dowelani Nenguda, Maleke Mokganyetsi and Shadrack Maluleka in the interest of stability in our workplaces.
Issued by SAMWU Limpopo
Patrick Aphane
Provincial Secretary
076 785 9022
Edgar Mageza
Deputy Provincial Secretary
083 302 4671